of the traditional Indian designs in textiles,
jewelry, floor art and temple architecture
represent thousands of years of philosophy,
mythology, religion, regional traditions and
detailed observations of daily life. The motifs
used in Jyotis art reflect these traditions.
The animal and bird motifs in Jyotis
Reflections are in the tradition of Indian
folk art often found on the walls of houses
in villages in the Rajasthani desert or on
their textiles. Bright vivid colors are an
expression of the vibrancy of life. Floor
art, called rangoli in North India
and kollum in South India, inspired
designs in the collections.
Traditionally, every morning after bathing,
the lady of the house will adorn the entrance
to the house with an
elaborate geometrical pattern drawn with white
or colored rice powder. The design welcomes
the Goddess to bless the house with her presence
and starts the beginning of a new day.
While these designs are temporary and are
erased by the passage of the day, to be redrawn
the next morning, you can have a more permanent
adornment when you choose this motif from
one of the collections.
With its tropical weather and abundant flora
and fauna, it is hardly surprising that nature
emerges as a central theme in Indian design.
One very popular motif is the paisley
design which can represent either the curling
fronds of the date palm or the delicious succulence
of the mango fruit. Others are the fragrant
jasmine flower and the beautiful lotus.
Combining traditional design with fun and
whimsy, Jyotis Reflections offer you
myriad possibilities in design and color. |